Saturday, July 12, 2014


Before they strike a Hamas target within Gaza, the IDF warns residents to get out. Hamas orders them to stay in place, in order to create "martyrs". This is the ultimate exploitation for propaganda - brought to you by the terrorist organization Hamas.

Declassified video and photo show terror compounds located within civilian concentrations, including Hamas training ground adjacent to school.

Declassified photo: Gaza terrorists used a mosque located near Palestinian homes as a place to hide rockets and gather militants. Our aircraft struck this mosque last night in order to disable Hamas from firing at Israel. Terrorist organizations systematically use mosques to conceal weapons and create underground tunnels within populated areas.

It is against the Law of Land Warfare - as codified by the Hague and Geneva Conventions, to strike hospitals, clinics or other medical facilities displaying the Red Cross/Red Crescent/Magen David or to strike churches/mosques/synagogues, cultural edifices, prisoner-of-war camps or transportation or any civilian/non-combatant facilities UNLESS those facilities are being used for military purposes - i.e. weapons storage and/or launch sites, to house militants or for observation posts. In such circumstances, it is WITHIN the Law of Land Warfare to strike such places. In other words, the use of civilians as human shields is a war crime - as Hamas is currently doing in Gaza.

Hamas tells Gazans to ignore IDF's call to leave border area | The Times of Israel

Hamas is doing what terrorist organizations do: holding innocents hostage under threat of death. Hamas is directly responsible for all civilian deaths in Gaza.


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