Saturday, July 19, 2014


It's just getting crazier and crazier out there, people. No sooner than one crisis erupts and begins to gather traction than another emerges to replace it on the national consciousness to the point it is overwhelming. At some the rational mind begins to wonder: does all this never-ending madness serve to benefit the one who's stated goal is to "change America"? - S.L.

Anyone who ever went through Basic Training or Boot Camp knows the most effective way to change or alter a group of individuals is to totally break them down through a sort of controlled mind-numbing chaos and confusion, then build them up again to function as a cohesive team, a single body.

This kind of behavior-altering indoctrination is absolutely necessary for military organizations but I do not want to be part of a civilian society conformed to group-think on so many issues that not so very long ago were considered unconventional, unorthodox, and just plain weird.

What was so wrong with America that needed such revolutionary change? The only country in the history of the world founded on the principles of freedom and the rights of the citizenry over the power of the government, 238 years of unparalleled prosperity . . . what were we doing so wrong that required breaking it to re-build it again?

Do we really need to hobble our productivity, our prosperity, and our very individualism in exchange for government-funded birth control? Obamacare has broken our healthcare system to the point that it is now significantly more expensive than before; and just ask any veteran about the benefits of Federal government mis-managed medical system - I can tell you personal horror stories.

Please somebody explain to me the benefits to our culture of gay marriage, homosexuals serving openly in the military and acceptance of transsexuals as some kind of artificial third sex? What possible gain is there from the surrender of our sovereignty to unending waves of third-worlders who are given free reign to the benefits our society - at taxpayers expense - without medical screenings and criminal background checks?

As incident and scandal pile up on top of one another with ever-increasing frequency one loses track . . . a snapshot of where we're
are at this moment in time:

Ukraine: Bodies Rained Down From the Sky - Stench of Death Permeates Crash Site

50 billion reasons to worry about stocks

Berlusconi acquitted in sex-for-hi​re case - No big surprise here; their Parliament of Whores is more out-of-control than our own.

Pentagon: Russia helped deploy missile that hit plane

No shit, Sherlock. Does anybody imagine for a minute that this "Separatist Movement" is anything other than a Russian-sponsored insurgency? Where are these "separatists" getting their rifles, machineguns, grenades and RPGs? Systems like the 9K37 Buk (NATO SA-11 'Gadfly') are incredibly complex not to mention very expensive. There is no question the origin of that weapons system, and the men & officers manning it and it's associated radar array. The man who pushed the button on the missile that shot down MH17 possesses a Russian military ID card, no doubt about it.

BUK (NATO codename: SA-11 GADFLY) Self-Propelled Surface-to-Air Missile (SPM) system with four-round launcher traversed to the rear. Credit: Christopher Foss

Russian TV reporter quits over crash coverage - Even a Russian can take only so much dis-information.

Malaysia Airlines faces doubtful future - I'll be surprised if Malaysia Airlines even exists six months from now.

What Would a US - Russi​a War Look Like? - Vladimir Putin is getting increasingly bolder in his bid to re-establish the post-Soviet Russian Empire because he knows NATO and the United States will let him get away with mass-murder.

Reports: Iran Nuclear Talks Extended - We reward & assist Iran in it's bid to become a nuclear-armed terrorist state.

Video Evidence Shows Illegal Immigrant Children Arriving at BWI Early Friday Morning - Uncleared, Uneducated Third Worlders Bringing Crime & Disease to a Neighborhood Near You

Islamic State Kills 270 in Syrian Gas Field 'Massacre'
- Where the heck is John Kerry. Whatever happened to Barack Obama's 'Red Line'?

Christians in Iraq City Told by Islamists: Convert, Pay or Die
- An Islamic tradition going back to before the Crusades, in accordance with the Koran.

Where is Barack Obama? Conflict spreads as the U.S. steps back from world stage
- YEAH - where the hell IS Waldo?

The Greatest Possible Problem for Europe - There are now at least twice as many young British Muslims who have gone to Syria to fight alongside ISIS and other such groups than there are fighting for Queen and country here in the British armed forces. The Israel-haters are no real problem for Israel, but they are the greatest possible problem for Europe.

Hiding Hamas’ Weapons at the UN - Hundreds and thousands more reasons to despise the UN.

Peace never gets off the ground with this crew.

Russia Has Become Dangerous Again - The illusion of a stable Europe died yesterday with the murdered passengers of MH17.

Violent MS-13 Gang Members Leave Graffiti On 'Child' Processing Center Walls

And lastly, a start point: something we CAN do:

My Simple, 4-Step Plan to Stop the Invasion of Illegals

As Obama executes head ducks and weaves from one outrageous scandal to the next, it is becoming obvious that his strategy is a cultural shock-and-awe campaign on the American people.


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