This is about an SF man lying, stealing, bringing shame on the Regiment . . . S.L.
This chest-thumping egomaniac is professional fraudster Joe Teti
Discovery Channel reality show star trades fire over combat experience
A communique came over the Top Secret Special Forces unauthorized backchannel frequency:
Tidings, SF Brothers.
I hope this note finds you well. This is a long one and I asked permission to make a post about it first. I think this fits more over on the poser page than this brotherhood page, but I will post here, too.
This is about an SF man lying, stealing, bringing shame on the Regiment and not least of which is the indirect death of a real SF brother in my opinion.
I apologize in advance for stirring this storm. I tried to walk away from this fight once I had done all I could, but it seems The Army Times has brought it back to my door.
So, now I present it to the SF Community, to decide what to do with a man whom, in my opinion, has stolen valor from our real heroes and one result of which has cost the life of another true SF warrior and hero.
In short, Joe Teti has embellished his background to an incredulous level. From that false background, the network made a show named after his business, LONE OPERATOR. Immediately upon filming that show, three men died, one of whom was my former teammate. He was Ranger, SF and CAG Ops Sgt as well as husband and father of 5 kids.
If Teti had not lied about his background, they would not have given him that show based on all his experience and the man might still be alive.
Teti claimed his background was an Marine Combat Veteran, Special Forces Combat Veteram, 5 year CIA Combat Veteran and 20 year Veteran.
None of these are true.
Every word I say here is proven and we have the proof. I will share links and documents that are in a form I can post. If more is needed, it can be provided to the right folks.
Joe Teti was a qualified Recon Marine Corporal in the Reserves. He was a qualified Special Forces 18B Sergeant in the Guard. He did do 2 years as a contractor to the OGA 2004-2006. All of these are fine things and I take nothing from him for it.
HOWEVER, he has chosen to LIE about his own background - repeatedly.
He has lied about his military background for monetary gain. This makes him appear to be a Stolen Valor Offender.
I will post the link about the most current law for you to read and the most current Stolen Valor Violation from two months ago where he CLAIMED to be a UNIFORMED MILITARY COMBAT VETERAN to a Christian Lecture Circuit for direct financial profit and payment.
It is important to note that these lies started when he first tried to get on TV and these have been morphed and changed by him as each one got called out.
Here are the Stolen Valor Lies of Joe Teti for you to judge:
1) Stolen Valor from SF
Joe Teti claimed to be an SF COMBAT VET, which he is not. He claimed 2 Haiti tours (which were not combat tours). He also used his VFW card to "prove" to civilians he was an SF Combat Vet. (Stolen Valor from VFW?)
He also claimed he was an SFC/E-7, when the actual fact is that he was just promoted to SSG/E-6 when he got out. He has also claimed that he graduated CAG OTC - he actually only made it 3 days. He also claimed SFARTEAC graduate and SF Scuba school, truth is he went to Navy Dive School.
He also told "This Ain't Hell" Stolen Valor site that he was out in 1998 and that he was already in the "pipeline' to contract at 9/11. NOT TRUE.
He was in my National Guard Special Forces unit, 19th SFGA in California. I was his Composite Team Commander on a JCET to Thailand in Jan/Feb 2001 where we met. He was in our unit until 25 DEC 2001. He took 45 days of tax payers dollars to train that year. He took a promotion to SSG in June.
This was AFTER 9/11. STOP LOSS was already in effect for Active duty and was coming to NG SF on 27 DECEMBER 2001 . . . We were mobilizing. I was already mobilized. Many old SF'ers were coming back into service. Exceptions to policy were being made everywhere. The entire country knew we were attacked the worst since Pearl Harbor, and that SF was the tool needed for the task at hand. This man having taken all that Recon & Special Forces training from the American people, CHOSE TO GET OUT and not answer the call to duty.
Yes, it was his ETS and he got an Honorable discharge; but the computer systems did not know the nation was at war, Teti did. It is my opinion that he is pathological, but I believe alot of his lies have been to cover his shame for abandoning his post in war time.
He later owned that he was in but that he got out to go straight to the OGA. NOT TRUE.
He tried to stay out of the war and profit off the war by teaching Las Vegas cops about terrorists. That is, unless the two newspaper articles interviewing him about his business are lying. (See the article links also provided.)
He then went to work in Israel for Dyncorp on a PSD - which he later lied about when he was there and claimed it as part of the GWOT.
It was not.
He then went to work for Custer Battles and then Triple Canopy. It's believed he had to leave TC for claiming CAG to a real CAG SGM.
He had put CAG OTC on his resume, so that makes sense. But he recently posted that he removed SHRAPNEL from his leg and implied that he had earned a PURPLE HEART. He cut his knee in the back of a truck, in a training accident on base - no enemy contact.
2) Stolen Valor from Recon
Teti claimed he was a combat Marine in Lebanon. His records show his only overseas deployment was Hawaii.
3) Stolen Valor from OGA
He claimed on his resume 5 years as OGA. It was only 2, and terminated with cause. He was a Contractor, not a federal employee. He stretched this time line to cover all the other employment periods.
4) Stolen Valor from Retirees
He claimed on his own Twitter page that he was a 20 year Special Operations Forces Veteran, implying that he was retired and therefore, legitimate. His records reflect 15 years by the best count. Having worked hard to EARN my retirement, it is clear that he sought to mislead the public to validate his weak military background.
5) Stolen Valor from Combat Veterans
I am not splitting hairs over the terms Combat or Veteran. He served, that makes him a Vet. He saw Combat, that gives him combat experience.
But we can all agree, there is a difference between a contractor and a soldier.
I have done both as many of you have, and we do not fuse the two for honor and principle. He has done so to cover the shame of abandoning his country at her darkest hour. To make folks think he saw combat while serving as Recon and SF so that he can benefit monetarily from the support that Americans seek to give their True SOF Warriors.
That is a list of proven Stolen Valor Offenses. These violation are made worse by the multitude of lies he continues to make. Most recently, in this Army times article, he starts off by claiming to be a role model of Special Forces, when he is anything but.
S.L.: The following comment refers to the closed Facebook SF Brotherhood page.
There are other posts from SF Operators where he stole Night Vision Goggles, pulled GUNS on TEAM SERGEANTS or where he wrote bad checks all over town and to his SF Buddy and Roommate. These are not the actions of an SF Role Model.
Two days after the death of our SF Brother making the show for Teti, Teti posted a petition to keep the show going and at the funeral, he offered money for folks to sign his petition.
I started an official IRS Trust fund bank account with the widow's permission and he posted that is was a scam and actually called SF brothers to get their money back?
No gentlemen, these are not the actions of an SF Role Model.
The story is far deeper than this and it seems to me he has a sickness. But the threats, hostilities and intimidation against me and my family is a private matter.
And yes, Gents, I am a retired SF Officer, 18A.
I was an SFC 18D, 18E, 18F with pay for 3 languages. I did every deployment I could. I was mobilized for Desert Storm and I answered the call at 9/11. I retired in 2011 from Special Forces Command.
And yes, I went to all the proper authorities first. I have a letter to Teti 2 years ago, telling him that I knew a lot of bad things about him and that I NEVER wanted this to go public for our country and community. The Special Forces Association, the Green Beret Foundation, the FBI, the CIA, Special Forces Command, The Network and even Facebook, were not able to take actions as everything was either too grey or not their area.
But he has not ceased to harass and attack me at every chance and he has forced me to take this public as the only way to protect my family. He was our security guard for our son and nanny in our home. We have since relocated for fear of physical harm and retaliation. Such is our estimation of his character and others have reinforced that correct assessment.
That said, it seems to fall on my shoulders as the one who knows the truth and I lay it at the feet of the community to decide the course of action on the matter. So far, the silence of the community has been an indirect support of his character. My opinion is that he will sooner or later give SF a black eye which will remain unless we take an action to remove him from our ranks and roles.
I am not one to make the suggestion of stripping his tab lightly. He passed the Q-Course and got an honorable discharge.
But he did quit his post at war time. I see that as a dereliction of duty to his community and country. He did not seek to serve anywhere else or anyone other than himself.
He had no family or work reasons to desert his brethren. He has made many false claims, stated many lies and one indirect result of that is the loss of life of a real Special Forces brother.
These are no small matters. It seems to me that he has been proven to be a liar. And it seems to me that he has been proven to be a Stolen Valor offender.
Will we police our own ranks? Or will we leave it to civilians to finally do something when he ultimately brings enough shame on the Regiment?
Again, I apologize for the tome, no easy way to state these crazy facts. I thank you for your time and consideration and wish each of you, all the best.
Mykel Hawke sends
ARMY TIMES Discovery Channel Reality Show Star Trades Fire Over Combat Experience
This is Teti plainly, directly AND PUBLICLY CLAIMING to be a UNIFORMED MILITARY COMBAT VETERAN. He makes this false claim directly for monetary gain and profit, lying on a Christian Lecture circuit no less.
Here is the STOLEN VALOR law.
And HERE is the crime.
Excerpt: Joe Teti
Joseph Teti is a veteran of both US military and US government special operations units. He is a former Force Recon Marine, Army Special Forces “Green Beret”, and a former operative in a highly classified government counter-terrorist unit.
He is a combat veteran of Operation Uphold Democracy and Operation Maintain Democracy in Haiti, as well as OIF (Operation Iraqi Freedom) in Iraq, and OEF (Operation Enduring Freedom) in Afghanistan. He planned and conducted a broad range of special operations missions covering the entire operational continuum. These missions gave the President of the United States an option when overt military and / or diplomatic actions were not viable or politically feasible.
Operations of this nature required rapid response with surgical application of a wide variety of unique skills, while maintaining
the lowest possible profile of U.S. involvement. He participated in numerous highly classified direct action missions with several Tier 1 SMU’s (Special Mission Units) while fighting in the Global War on Terrorism.
He has held a TOP SECRET-SCI with polygraph security clearance, the highest security clearance awarded by the U.S. government.
Joseph is the co-star of Dual Survival on the Discovery Channel.
NOTE: The link is now dead as the event is over but this just happened recently. Proof that he is lying and stealing valor for pay even now and like will again.
Gents, there is not this much smoke without a fire. It falls on the community to decide the outcome of this. The facts are in all the links. And many other things can be proven as well as ever word said here.
An SF man is dead and another survival expert civilian has been fired for safety disputes and this 'SF' guy.
What more will need to come to pass before we are no longer passive?
I am only a victim and the messenger. I rest my case and I wish you all well.
Mykel Hawke sends
There is confusion within the Temple and the workers are not at their labors . . .
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