Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Let's Talk More About the Rainfall Forecast

I'm happy to report that the rain-producing storm that we've been talking about for several days has begun to produce rain in the drought area.

With the holiday weekend fast approaching, I want to take another look at the encouraging rainfall forecast for the next seven days.
If you compare it to the previous version, the forecast amount of rain has been increased in most areas.  Keeping in mind that a seven day rainfall forecast is not precise down to the county level, I am confident that substantial rains will fall in the drought area. Not enough to break the drought but enough  to, at minimum, to keep the drought from worsening and to partially recharge some reservoirs.

ADDITION 7:47PM:  Wasn't expecting a flash flood warning (green) this soon in the rainy period. The yellow polygon is a severe thunderstorm warning.

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