Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Tornado Approaching? What to Do?

Caution: Unfortunate, strong language. 

Many people have sent this video from Monday in North Dakota where a tornado struck a "man camp" -- a compound of mobile homes used by oil workers. There was no tornado shelter.

In a case like this, my recommendation would be to drive south (90°) away from the tornado that was approaching from the west. Here's why:
  • There was no tornado shelter.
  • A new model pickup truck (with airbags) is safer than a mobile home. Both can roll but a pickup has no refrigerators, sofas, etc. to fall on top of you.
  • It is rural area with no traffic, so a reasonable escape speed could be attained relative to the speed of the tornado.
Important note: I would not recommend fleeing in every instance. But, since I was asked what I would do in this situation, that is my suggestion.  

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