Tuesday, February 4, 2014


BUGGER! My reading glasses just decided to field strip themselves . . . S.L.

. . . now I need to find the little piece that is part of the "pince-nez" nose-support portion of the glasses . . .

. . . SOMEWHERE ON THE FLOOR AROUND HERE (hopefully) . . . I'm going to have to use my advanced Special Forces combat tracker skills to find that tiny motherf*cker . . .

. . . FOUND IT - only had to crawl like a lizard up and down the foyer for about five minutes ... its AMAZING what pops into sight when you're down at ants-eye-view level . . . I learned how to track that way getting down on my belly like a snake looking at tiny scuff marks on pine needles, overturned flakes of sand and bruises on the kind of moss that grows on top of cement that most people are not even aware of ..

Now I have to put them back together with my big potato fingers, which is the equivalent of doing brain surgery wearing boxing gloves . . . gotta find my OTHER pair of lookers . . . which is why I went out & bought this new effing pair in the FIRST PLACE . . . JUST FOUND THEM . . . some sunnovabitch assclown put them in the pocket of my climbing jacket . . . I don't know who put them there . . .

. . . BUT WHEN I FIND HIM . . .


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