Thursday, April 24, 2014

"When the Sirens Were Silent" -- Another Review

How did 161 lose their lives in the worst disaster since government tornado warnings began in 1957?

When the Sirens Were Silent 

When the Sirens Were Silent reviews in chilling minute-by-minute detail what the meteorologists, media, and citizens did right and seriously wrong, leading to the Joplin tornado's high death toll. Smith also gives simple, smart advice on how to build a safe plan for families, schools, and businesses. It's a must-read for anyone living in Tornado Alley (along with Warnings: The True Story of How Science Tamed the Weather). I give this short book a four ONLY because you absolutely must read Mike Smith's Warnings: The True Story of How Science Tamed the Weather to really appreciate the information in this book, which is a continuation of the first book as opposed to a stand-alone title.

The book, which you can read in an evening, gives you important strategies for keeping you, and your family, safe at home, school, or workplace.
Joplin's St. John Mercy Medical Center where 15 died.
Photo by Jaime Green, The Wichita Eagle
Smith provides a gripping countdown of the events leading up to the tornado, critiquing the series of decisions and actions from forecasters and emergency management and describing their consequences. His commentary is insightful and written plainly enough for the layperson to understand.   
---The Washington Post

This is a book for your entire family. For more information, click here

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