Monday, June 2, 2014

Weather Control. Creating Lightning and Rain "At Will"

During a drought, skies are often clear.

(NaturalNews) Researchers from the University of Central Florida (UCF) have developed a new technique that can generate rain and lightning in a region by firing a laser at clouds.

According to Britain's Daily Mail, the technique involves firing a "double laser" into a cloud to stimulate certain particles within it. Scientists say the technique could one day be used to create rainstorms and even lightning at will.

The story goes on to say,

Scientists at UCF's College of Optics & Photonics, as well as researchers from the University of Arizona (UA), say the key to the success of their experimentation was to surround the laser beam with a second beam that acts as an energy reservoir, making it possible to fire the central beam further than was previously possible.

Because these people are not meteorologists, perhaps they can be forgiven for this silliness. You can fire all the lasers you want at the clouds below and they will not rain.
Why? No matter how much you stimulate the condensation nuclei (the method described) there is not enough moisture to create a drop large enough to fall to the ground.

Could this method stimulate rainfall in moisture-rich cumulus clouds? Perhaps. But, those are few and far between in a drought.

So, the ability to create rain "at will" is a pipe dream with this or any other technique for the foreseeable future.

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