Saturday, July 20, 2013


I never dieted in my life, never read a diet book, never saw the need for it. Then last November somebody turned me on to the Paleo Diet. Between Thanksgiving and New Years I lost 15 lbs, and I eat like a pig. Since that time I lost another 15 lbs - I'm down the weight I was at 30. I have energy and power, I'm sleeping like a rock and my mental processes are sharp, clear and acute - which is a good thing because my work is project-based and highly technical - S.L.

This woman is 51 years old. She is TV Health Guru Gillian McKeith. She advocates a holistic approach to nutrition and health, promoting exercise and a vegetarian diet high in organic fruits and vegetables. She recommends detox diets, colonic irrigation and supplements.

This woman is also 51 years old. She is TV chef Nigella Lawson. She eats meat, butter, chocolate and desserts . . . all washed down with copious amounts of wine.



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