Monday, October 14, 2013


A friend who is also a Brother is feeling blue . . . the kind of "self-doubt" introspection that plagues higher intellect type-A personalities like ourselves. He reached out to me for counsel, so I shared with him some philosophy that has served me through the ups and downs of my life & career. I share this with you now - S.L.

The world depends on people like you and me - we really do make the world go around - so there is no reason NOT to maintain a positive attitude! "Nil illegitimi carborundum" means "Don't let the bastards grind you down"!

People can smell fear and weakness! Do not take counsel of your fears, and never show weakness! Go about your endeavors knowing you will prevail, knowing the only difference between success and failure is a lot of hard work and conscious decision to be a winner versus a loser.

Fear and anxiety are a natural part of Life! Prior to entering battle, the Ancient Greeks contemplated the God of Fear - Phobos - knowing they would experience fear - to help them prevail in battle despite this natural emotion.

We all have our ups and downs - it is understandable that we become frustrated due to setbacks, illnesses or injuries, and anxiety is a result. Put up with the struggle. No one said Life was easy! Exercise helps a great deal - do something physical at least everyday, such as golf, or the gym. If exercise is difficult due to schedule or physical condition, then walk - it is the best exercise short of swimming - at least thirty minutes a day. The best kind of walk is walking with your dogs.

Keep in touch with your circles of friendship. Learn who the decision makers and the power brokers are in your organization and establish open lines of communication with them. Touch bases, early and often.

Our line of work (soldiering - intelligence - security consulting) is difficult on a marriage. Our families are important to us; they are the even keel in the stormy seas that we sail. Take as good care of your families as you would your weapons and equipment - they are as important to you as your rifle, rucksack and radio. More so, actually.

There are foods supplements that are good for mental acuity, memory and emotional stability. Learn what they are and take them every day.

You are an asset to any organization worth being a part of - keep doing what you're doing, communicate in all directions and keep your Higher informed of all key phases of every operation.

Find your champions within your organization – let them know your value, what you bring to the table and how your efforts assist them in their endeavors. They will communicate your value to the Big Dogs.



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