Sunday, May 12, 2013


The saying goes: "A Liberal is a Conservative who hasn't been mugged yet." This liberal just got her wake-up call - S.L.

Sherri Shepherd's Epiphany:

‘The View” co-host Sherri Shepherd revealed that she experienced a frightening home invasion scare that terrified her son Jeffrey and husband Lamar Sally and vowed: “We’re going to get a gun!”

The 46-year-old former stand-up comic had a scary wake-up call at 1 a.m. when her New York City home’s alarm system went off declaring, “Warning! Intruder, get out of the house!”

Here's what Sherri tweeted @SherriEShepherd:

Protecting my family is my priority. I never want to stand in my son's room again and not have something to defend he & I. That was scary - 1:50 PM - 25 Apr 2013

Our home alarm went off. @SalfromtheD went thru the house but as I stood over my crying & scared son, I realized I had nothing to defend us - 1:52 PM - 25 Apr 2013

All I had was a wicker trash basket. A baseball bat can be wrestled from you AND the person has to get close enough for you to swing it - 1:53 PM - 25 Apr 2013

I held Jeffrey and prayed for protection, but it also would've been nice to be holding somethng in my hand in case there was an intruder - 1:54 PM - 25 Apr 2013

Chalk another one up for our side, and God Bless the Second Amendment


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