Saturday, June 21, 2008

TV Dads

I definitely agree with this letter writer. The relationship between Jim Rockford and his dad, "Rocky" was one of the most realistic and touching ever on TV. And the fact that it was the same in real life made it almost unique.

A beautiful thing, on screen AND off.

Here's what you had to say about TV dads

Friday, June 20, 2008

In honor of Father's Day, we listed TV dads in three categories: heroes, hapless and hopeless. Now it's your turn. Here are readers' responses on the TV dads they love and those they love to hate.

My favorite TV dad was Josephy "Rocky" Rockford. I loved the close relationship he and Jim had. Jim had a picture of his father dad on his desk. In the made-for-TV "Rockford Files" movies, Rocky had a life-size painting of Jim.

In one of the movies, Jim and Dyan Cannon were visity Rocky's grave. She said, "You were his whole world, Jim. You were No. 1 in his life."

What was really nice is James Garner and Noah Berry were like dad and son off-camera. Jay Leno asked James Garner about Noah Berry's death. His voice cracked and he put his hand over his face. He said, "I can't talk about it."

-- Diane, Wilkins

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