Friday, April 6, 2007

Just In Time For Jim's Birthday

I just grabbed this off another blog called "Jude's Almost Daily Blog"

Monday, April 2, 2007

Mr. Handsome! (My 2nd Favorite Boss)

Before I had the honor of training my Mr. Edward H. Moler, I went around bragging to anyone and everyone that my favorite boss was none other than James Scott Garner, or Bumgarner if you're from Oklahoma - and you like to pretend you're in the know.
My Mr. Handsome - see picture please, is the epitome of gorgeous both inside and out, and I have to tell you Jim, Moler rivals you in every way - but I do give you the edge in the looks department if only for the way you tip your hat, Sir.
In less than a week Mr. Handsome, Jim Garner, turns 79 and with the soul of the lion that he has always been - I'm sure we'll hear a few more roars out of this guy before too terribly long. I won't give up many of his secrets by telling you that what you saw on television and in the early films was exactly what we saw as his employees, co-workers, friends. He simply is Jim: grits-eating, golf-swinging, eyebrow-lifting-innocent Jim, and there really wasn't much acting going on - well, maybe there was in a few films, the ones where he had to play the bad guy - no one believes that role -- not in a million years. Clever, tricky, sneaky, off-the-cuff, and off-the-edge of the cliff yes, but never a bad guy...maybe just a little bad?
When I left Hollywood for the Plains and pains of Oklahoma, I made the right decision - but I left an incredibly awesome man when I did. One I could have used over and over and over again to gain knowledge compounded upon knowledge - it's just a damn good thing I walked into Mr. Moler's life when I did. It was a great trade guys - and to be honest, Edward H. Moler needed a little spicing up too! I was happy to oblige. Best boss in the world - it was a difficult decision, and the ONLY reason Jim that I had to give the title to Moler was simply that he put up with me as long as he did....I wish you would have begged. I would have been in writer's Heaven by now, instead I'm in Purgatory - waiting..writing..waiting. But the adventures were worth it.
In your words Mr. Handsome (may I borrow them for this?) "Oh Hell! You knew what you were gettin' your own self into!" Big Smile! Big Smile! Big...Big...Big...I love you so much smile. You're simply amazing. You know, if I were born a boy my Mom would have called me James? Well, Matthew James, after Matt Dillon and James Arnez, but I can fudge a little - Thanks for the lessons.

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